Haley Morey is from the United States and has been a Girl Scout since she was 6. She lost touch with scouting during her teenage years but became involved again when she was a volunteer at Our Chalet after university. Volunteering at Our Chalet inspired Haley to volunteer at Sangam after her time at Our Chalet had ended. Haley now works as a city planner in Germany and volunteers with the Berlin Girl Scouts as an event coordinator.
Not only did Haley’s time at the World Centres help her get involved with Girl Scouts again, but it also was her first experience with international Guiding and Scouting. So when she moved to Berlin for work, she decided to volunteer with a local troop as a way to stay connected to the Movement. Haley says that Girl Scouts was always a sanctuary for her and that she wanted to provide those positive experiences to other young scouts.